European Facility For Airborne Research Feb. 14, 2025, 06:04
RADAR: Radio Detection and Ranging
RAOS: Reno Aerosol Optics Study
RCC(r,c): Radiometric calibration coefficient for the pixel at row r and column c
RDMA: Radial Differential Mobility Analyzer
Re: Reynolds Number
REO: Research Electro-Optics
RF: Radio Frequency
RH: Relative Humidity
RICO: Rain in Cumulus Over the Ocean
RID: Rosemount Icing Detector
RLG: Ring Laser Gyro
RMS: Root Mean Square
RONOCO: Role of Nighttime Chemistry in Controlling the Oxidizing Capacity of the Atmosphere
ROSIS: Reflective Optics System Imaging Spectrometer (imaging spectrometer)
RSL: Remote Sensing Laboratory
RSR: Relative Spectral Response
RT: Receiver Transmitter