European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 27, 2024, 12:43

Aircraft: ATR42 - SAFIRE

Aircraft acronym ATR42 - SAFIRE Registration number F-HMTO
Operator Service des Avions Francais Instrumentés pour la Recherche en Environnement Transnational Access status Open to TA
Manufacturer ATR, ATR42-320 Engine category Turbo propeller
Aircraft type Research Categories Troposphere


  • Length: 22.67 m
  • Height: 7.75 m
  • Wingspan: 24.57 m
Airplane dimensions 22.67 m 7.75 m 24.57 m

Flying performances

Min speed 70 m/s
Max speed 134 m/s
Usual speed during measurements 100 m/s
Usual speed during transit flights 134 m/s
Ascent rate 6 m/s
Min altitude
  • Above sea: 200 ft
  • Above ground: 500 ft
Max ceiling 25 000 ft
Usual ceiling during measurements 21 000 ft
Ceiling limitations


Empty weight 11 300 kg
Max take-off weight 16 900 kg
Max payload 4 600 kg
Max scientific payload 3 300 kg (X-coordinate of 2nd point)
Usual scientific payload during measurements 2 000 kg
Scientific payload for max endurance 100 kg (X-coordinate of 1st point)
Aircraft autonomy

Max endurance at min scientific payload and max fuel 6 h (Y-coordinate of 1st point)
Endurance at max scientific payload 2 h (Y-coordinate of 2nd point)

Max range 2 200 km (at min scientific payload and max fuel)
Conditions for max range


Range at max scientific payload 0 km
Usual range during measurement flight 1 500 km

Weather conditions limitations

VFR, IFR, icing conditions

Take-off runway length 1 200 m

2 x Pratt&Whitney PW121


EFIS equipped

Crew and scientists on board

Crew (pilots + operators)

2 + 2

Seats available for scientists



Length 11.56 m
Width 2.57 m
Height 1.91 m

main door: W0.75 m x H1.75 m ; Cargo door: W1.28 m x H1.53 m

Cabin pressurized


More information


Aircraft modifications

Nose boom

a 5 holes probe in the nose for high rate turbulence measurements


all windows can be equipped with scientific instruments


top of fuselage: 2 holes D0.150 m, 1 hole D0.20 m, 1 hole D0.40 m ; bottom of fuselage: 1 large front opening W0.40 m x L0.60 m, 1 large back opening W0.40 m x L0.70 m, 2 holes D0.15 m, 1 hole D0.20 m

Hard points

PMS carrying points under the wings (3 per wing max.)
Other heavier carrying point around fuselage (4 points)


- Isokinetic Aerosol inlet on the front right window
- CVI aerosol inlet on the top left of fuselage (on demand)
- many chemistry inflow or reverse flow inlets.

Additionnal systems

see all aircraft modifications in the attached document

Acquisition systems

Data acquisition is centralized and each scientist can display all parameters on his/her screen. Time series of all data can be provided after each flight (within 2 hours).

Electrical power

Aircraft total electrical power (kW)

18 kW at ground with external power
20 kW in flight
14 kW in hotel mode (On ground with engine running. When no ground power unit available)

Electrical power (kW) and voltages (V) available for scientists

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