European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research Feb. 8, 2025, 01:04

Aircraft: DIMO - METAIR


Aircraft acronym DIMO - METAIR
Operated by MetAir AG, Switzerland
Aircraft category Troposphere
Registration number HB-2335
Manufacturer and aircraft type Diamond Aircraft, HK36 TTC ECO Dimona

Max. scientific payload: 220 kg

Basic instruments

Instrument type Instrument name
Serial type
Operator Measured parameter Range Weight added
Incident flow vector probe No name 8 METAIR Airspeed; Incidence angle; Turbulence 0.0 kg
Trace Gas Analyzer Metair AeroLaser 5003 Fast CO Monitor METAIR Trace Gas concentrations 12.0 kg
Accelerometers Kistler 3 axes accelerometers METAIR Acceleration x, y, z and angles 0.2 kg
CO2 and H20 by InfraRed absorption Metair modified Licor 6262 closed cell IR Gas Analyser METAIR CO2, H2O 11.0 kg
CO2 and H20 by InfraRed absorption Metair modified LI-7500 METAIR CO2, H2O 0.0 kg
Incident flow vector probe Metair 5-hole probe for flow angles METAIR Airspeed; Incidence angle; Turbulence 0.0 kg
Temperature sensor (in situ) Meteolabor TP3 Immersion Temperature sensor METAIR Temperature 0.0 kg
Dew/Frost-point hygrometer MetAir Meteolabor TP3 hygrometer METAIR Dew Point 0.0 kg
Optical Particle Counter (OPC) two channel particle counter MetOne R4903 / MA20 METAIR Aerosol size distribution 0.0 kg
Global Positioning System MovMap/AC METAIR Aircraft position, velocity and attitude 0.0 kg
Trace Gas Analyzer NOxTOy METAIR Trace Gas concentrations 9.0 kg
Inertial Reference/Navigation System TANS Vector METAIR Aircraft position, velocity and attitude 0.0 kg
Ozone Analyzer Metair UV-photometer for ozone METAIR O3 concentration 0.0 kg

Optional instruments

Instrument type Instrument name
Serial type
Operator Measured parameter Range Weight added
Gas Chromatograph (GC) Real-Time/on-board gaschromatography METAIR Trace gas concentrations especially VOC 22.0 kg
Whole Air Samples MetAir Flask Sampling System METAIR VOC, Alkyl nitrates, halocarbons, CFCs, HCFCs 0.0 kg
Imaging Spectrometer Metair FLIR (different models) METAIR Radiance Spectra 2.5 kg
Trace Gas Analyzer Metair Formaldehyde METAIR Trace Gas concentrations 0.0 kg
Optical Particle Counter (OPC) Metair Grimm Optical Particle Counter 0.3-20 METAIR Aerosol size distribution 0.0 kg
Visible/Near Infra Red Spectrometer FieldSpec@Pro METAIR Radiance 6.5 kg
Trace Gas Analyzer Metair peroxides METAIR Trace Gas concentrations 0.0 kg
Laser scanner ARA_remote_sensing_pod METAIR surface maps 20.0 kg
Condensation Particle Counter (CPC) Metair TSI CPC METAIR Number concentration of submicrometer aerosol particles 0.0 kg
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