European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 27, 2024, 11:50

WP6: Scientific Governance

WP6: Scientific Governance

The main challenge in this workpackage is to make compatible the diverse and contrasting national versus Community procedures for allocation of access to research infrastructures. The various levels of decision-making will call for online and automated evaluation procedures. The procedures will be clarified and the EUFAR workflow for trans-national access proposal evaluation will be adapted to the requirements of an evaluation and access allocation process at both the Pan-European and the national levels.

Workpackage Leader: NERC


Define governance schemes for evaluation of access proposals and allocation of time slots on the COPAL aircraft and thus reconcile the Pan-European use of the aircraft, with national authority in terms of scientific programming.

Description of work:

  1. National evaluation process
    A questionnaire will be distributed to the members of the COPAL GB to collect information on national evaluation processes. A report on these diverse processes and how they might be adapted to the EUFAR workflow will be completed for the SC and GB.
  2. Trans-national evaluation and allocation process
    Following the recommendations of the GB at its first meeting, a process will be proposed that reconcile the national and European approaches.
  3. Adaptation of the EUFAR workflow
    Once the procedure has been agreed on by the GB at its second meeting, technical solutions will be developed to adapt the EUFAR workflow and provide the shareholders with a fast, secured and automated evaluation process.

Page last modified on Sept. 12, 2017, 10:46
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