European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 27, 2024, 17:39

Abbreviations - E



EARSeL: European Remote Sensing Laboratories

EAS: Electrical Aerosol Spectrometer

EC: Environment Canada

EC: European Commission

eCL: effective Chain Length

ECN: Netherlands Energy Research Foundation

ECSS: European Cooperation for Space Standardisation

EEPS: Engine Exhaust Particle Sizer

EGADS: EUFAR General Airborne Data-processing Software

EL: Empirical Line

EM: End Member

EMC: EUFAR Metadata Creator

EnMAP: Environmental Mapping and Analysis Programme

Enviscope: enviscope GmbH, Messtechnik für Umweltforschung (DE) - EUFAR Partner

ENVRI: ENVironmental Research Infrastructures

ENVRI plus: ENVironmental Research Infrastructures plus

EO: Earth Observation

ESA: European Space Agency

ESG: Electrically Suspended Gyroscope

ESR: Electron Spin Resonance

EUCAARI: European Aerosol Cloud Climate and Air Quality Interactions

EUFAR: European Facility for Airborne Research

EWG: Expert Working Group (EUFAR term)

Page last modified on Sept. 12, 2017, 10:46
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