European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 27, 2024, 17:47

Aircraft: POLAR 5 - AWI


Aircraft acronym POLAR 5 - AWI
Operated by Alfred Wegener Institute
Aircraft category Land/Sea surface properties, Polar, Troposphere
Registration number C-GAWI
Manufacturer and aircraft type Basler Turbo Conversions, BT-67

Max. scientific payload: 2500 kg

Basic instruments

Instrument type Instrument name
Serial type
Operator Measured parameter Range Weight added
Other Modified LaCoste-Romberg S56 Gravimeter AWI 145.0 kg
RADAR AWi Radio-Echo Sounding system AWI Reflectivity 150.0 kg
Laser Altimeter AWA Riegl LD90 laser altimeter AWI Aircraft height above surface 11.0 kg
Other Scintrex RMS AADCII Magnetometer AWI 45.0 kg
Global Positioning System AWI Trimble 4000 SSI GPS AWI Aircraft position, velocity and attitude 6.0 kg

Optional instruments

Instrument type Instrument name
Serial type
Operator Measured parameter Range Weight added
No instruments.
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