European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 27, 2024, 07:34

Software tools - RT modeling

Educational Material

RS4forestEBV RT modeling training course image

RT modeling

RS4forestEBV RT modeling training course
Publisher: Clement Atzberger
Producer: Other
Software version: 2006
Status: Ready to use


Hands-on lesson, data and code on INFORM  (Atzberger, 2000; Schlerf & Atzberger, 2006), a SAIL-like canopy model modified to simulate forest canopies. The model considers tree geometry and density.


The hands-on lesson deals with inversion of the Radiative Transfer Model (RTM) INFORM.

The different steps before using RTM and when using LUT for RTM inversion are explained.


Download ZIP file: RS4forestEBV hands-on INFORM

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