European Facility For Airborne Research

European Facility For Airborne Research July 27, 2024, 17:25


Title Saharan dust transport and deposition towards the tropical northern Atlantic
Type Publication

We present a study of Saharan dust export towards the tropical North Atlantic using the regional dust emission, transport and deposition model LM-MUSCAT. Horizontal and vertical distribution of dust optical thickness, concentration, and dry and wet deposition rates are used to describe seasonality of dust export and deposition towards the eastern Atlantic for three typical months in different seasons. Deposition rates strongly depend on the vertical dust distribution, which differs with seasons. Furthermore the contribution of dust originating from the Bodélé Depression to Saharan dust over the Atlantic is investigated. A maximum contribution of Bodélé dust transported towards the Cape Verde Islands is evident in winter when the Bodélé source area is most active and dominant with regard to activation frequency and dust emission. Limitations of using satellite retrievals to estimate dust deposition are highlighted.

Available from
MACKE Andreas
Journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Volume 9
Pages 1173-1189
Year 2009
Times cited 0
Institute country Germany
Type of science
  • Atmospheric dynamics (includes thermodynamics)
Field of science
  • Troposphere
File details
Added Sept. 4, 2010, 00:00
Last update Nov. 20, 2023, 14:42
Size 8.2 MB
File name Schepanski_ACP2009_20100904113611.pdf
Visibility Public - Available for any user
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